Category: Sociable

  • Sociable has built-in support for authenticating and login users via social platforms such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Twitter. This guide explains how to setup the services.

  • Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the profile API: $profileApi = SociableApi::getProfileApi(); Syntax: getUserProfile Syntax of the getUserProfile API call to get full details of the user profile: getUserProfile($identifiers, $forceReload = false) $identifiers – int/array or ints Single user id or array of user ids for which the user profile…

  • Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the Points API: $pointsApi = SociableApi::getPointsApi(); Creating rules XML file A rules xml file needs to be created with all rules which you would like to provide with your component. An example of the rules xml file is: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <sociable> <points_rule> <name>com_mycomponent.eventname</name>…

  • Sociable ships with several modules and plugins, the following is an explanation about them. System Plugin Sociable System plugin is used to redirect the users to Sociable login and registration pages. Enable this plugin if you want to use Sociable built-in login and registration forms. When to enable this plugin? If you want to override…

  • 2.0.4 – 07/Jul/2024 + Added options to customize login redirect+ New option to customize which social connections to be shown^ Updates to store MySQL null dates* Sociable Questions profile plugin does not work* Activity rules asset name filter is not working* Authentication error message is not loaded from language file 2.0.3 – 29/Mar/2024 + Added…

  • Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the profile API: $badgeApi = SociableApi::getBadgesApi(); Rules XML File Create sociable_rules.xml either in your component administrator folder or site folder (e.g. administrator/components/com_sociable) with the content like below. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <sociable> <badge_rule> <name>{rule name}</name> <asset_name>{asset name}</asset_name> <title>{title}</title> <introtext>{brief intro}</introtext> <description>{badge description}</description> <rule_content>{rule conditions}</rule_content> <image_path>{image}</image_path>…

  • Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the profile API: $profileApi = SociableApi::getProfileApi(); Syntax: getUserAvatar Syntax of the getUserAvatar API call to get full HTML image tag linked to Sociable profile page of the user: getUserAvatar($identifiers, $size = 48, $username = ‘name’, array $attribs = array(), array $image_attribs = array()) $identifiers…

  • Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the Stream API: $streamApi = SociableApi::getStreamApi(); Creating rules XML file A rules xml file needs to be created with all rules which you would like to provide with your component. An example of the rules xml file is: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <sociable> <activity_rule> <name>com_mycompopnent.eventname</name>…

  • Introduction Sociable has a built-in points system that allows your users to get rewarded for various activities on your site. You can configure the points for each activity available. The points can be earned within the Sociable component through many actions such as posting status, creating a topic in groups, etc. The points can also…

  • Introduction Sociable groups allow users to create and discuss the topics of interest. A group can be a private group or a public group. Permission Settings Groups can be created either from the administrator page or from the front end by the users. Only users in the allowed Joomla user groups can create the groups…

  • Introduction Badges are one of the effective ways of user retention and growing your site with more user activity. It encourages your users to participate in all activities and rewards them with badges according to their active participation. Sociable has a built-in badge system that allows you to do this. Steps to setup badge system

  • Introduction Sociable comes with a powerful activity streaming platform that allows you to configure all activities posted on the wall. It can be easily integrated with third-party extensions using the flexible API (please read the documentation if you are a developer). All corejoomla extensions have integration with the Sociable Activity Stream system. If you are…

  • Sociable comes by default with themes for bootstrap2, bootstrap3 and bootstrap4. You can override any of these themes to create your own theme. How to override a theme To override a theme, copy a theme folder from components/com_sociable/layouts/themename to /templates/yourtemplatename/html/layouts/com_sociable/themename. Each theme has set of php files for complete forum pages. Modify the required layout with your changes.…

  • Introduction and setup This guide allows you to set up a Sociable extension on your website. Before starting, make sure you have the necessary packages, such as the Sociable package and CjLib package, downloaded from the website. To learn more about how to install an extension, please read the following guide: Once you…

  • Introduction <<Page under construction>>

  • Introduction The following documentation guides you through the development of a Sociable plugin to display your extension content inside the Sociable profiles. Plugin Contract A Sociable profile plugin is a standard Joomla plugin with a set of hooks that you can make use of to push your content. To know more about the basics of…

  • Sociable allows you to set up different profiles for a different set of users. For example, if you have Teachers in one group and Students in another. Then you would like to have different content for these two groups, you can set up profiles for the same. So let’s get started. Plan Step 1. First…

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