Tag: Developers

  • Rewardify Points System API

    Rewardify’s Points System API is designed to provide developers with a versatile and scalable solution to implement a points-based reward system within their applications. With just a few API calls, developers can seamlessly integrate the Rewardify Points System into their extensions, fostering user engagement and loyalty. Earning Points One of the key functionalities of the…

  • Sociable Profile API

    Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the profile API: $profileApi = SociableApi::getProfileApi(); Syntax: getUserProfile Syntax of the getUserProfile API call to get full details of the user profile: getUserProfile($identifiers, $forceReload = false) $identifiers – int/array or ints Single user id or array of user ids for which the user profile…

  • Sociable Points System API

    Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the Points API: $pointsApi = SociableApi::getPointsApi(); Creating rules XML file A rules xml file needs to be created with all rules which you would like to provide with your component. An example of the rules xml file is: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <sociable> <points_rule> <name>com_mycomponent.eventname</name>…

  • Sociable Badges API

    Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the profile API: $badgeApi = SociableApi::getBadgesApi(); Rules XML File Create sociable_rules.xml either in your component administrator folder or site folder (e.g. administrator/components/com_sociable) with the content like below. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <sociable> <badge_rule> <name>{rule name}</name> <asset_name>{asset name}</asset_name> <title>{title}</title> <introtext>{brief intro}</introtext> <description>{badge description}</description> <rule_content>{rule conditions}</rule_content> <image_path>{image}</image_path>…

  • Sociable Avatars API

    Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the profile API: $profileApi = SociableApi::getProfileApi(); Syntax: getUserAvatar Syntax of the getUserAvatar API call to get full HTML image tag linked to Sociable profile page of the user: getUserAvatar($identifiers, $size = 48, $username = ‘name’, array $attribs = array(), array $image_attribs = array()) $identifiers…

  • Sociable Activity Stream API

    Prerequisites: Add the required Sociable API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_sociable/lib/api.php’; Now get the Stream API: $streamApi = SociableApi::getStreamApi(); Creating rules XML file A rules xml file needs to be created with all rules which you would like to provide with your component. An example of the rules xml file is: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <sociable> <activity_rule> <name>com_mycompopnent.eventname</name>…

  • Extending GPS Tools using plugin events

    Gps Tools is not just full featured but also extendable. There are many plugin events the component triggers which you can use to extend the functionality provided by the component. Plugin events are supported in CS v4 and above only. Creating a plugin Please read the following documentation to know about creating a Joomla! plugin.…

  • Extending Community Surveys using plugin events

    Community Surveys is not just full featured but also extendable. There are many plugin events the component triggers which you can use to extend the functionality provided by the component. Plugin events are supported in CS v4 and above only. Creating a plugin Please read the following documentation to know about creating a Joomla! plugin.…

  • Extending Community Quiz using plugin events

    Community Quiz is not just full featured but also extendable. There are many plugin events the component triggers which you can use to extend the functionality provided by the component. Plugin events are supported in CQ v4 and above only. Creating a plugin Please read the following documentation to know about creating a Joomla! plugin.…

  • Extend Community Polls using plugin events

    Community Polls triggers following events on different actions. You can use these events to do additional tasks by developing your own plugins. You need to have basic idea of creating Joomla plugins. Please see Joomla plugins developer documentation of Joomla docs website before proceeding further. Creating a plugin Please read the following documentation to know…

  • Extending Community Answers using plugin events

    Community Answers is not just full featured but also extendible. There are many plugin events the component triggers which you can use to extend the functionality provided by the component. Creating a plugin Please read the following documentation to know about creating a Joomla! plugin. The process is same for any plugin.https://docs.joomla.org/J2.5:Creating_a_Plugin_for_Joomla The best way…

  • Using CjForum user avatars in your component

    Prerequisites: Add the required CjForum API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjforum/lib/api.php’; Now get the profile API: $profileApi = CjForumApi::getProfileApi(); Syntax: getUserAvatar Syntax of the getUserAvatar API call to get full HTML image tag linked to CjForum profile page of the user: getUserAvatar($identifiers, $size = 48, $username = ‘name’, array $attribs = array(), array $image_attribs = array()) $identifiers…

  • Using CjForum activity stream

    Prerequisites: Add the required CjForum API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjforum/lib/api.php’; Now get the Stream API: $streamApi = CjForumApi::getStreamApi(); Creating rules XML file A rules xml file needs to be created with all rules which you would like to provide with your component. An example of the rules xml file is: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <cjforum> <activity_type> <name>com_cjforum.topic_reply</name>…

  • Retrieve one or more user profiles

    Prerequisites: Add the required CjForum API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjforum/lib/api.php’; Now get the profile API: $profileApi = CjForumApi::getProfileApi(); Syntax: Full Syntax of the getUserProfileAPI call: getUserProfile($identifiers, $force_reload = false) $identifiers – int/array or intsSingle user id or array of user ids for which the user profiles need to be fetched. If array of user ids given,…

  • Link user names to CjForum user profile in your component

    Prerequisites: Add the required CjForum API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjforum/lib/api.php’; Now get the profile API: $profileApi = CjForumApi::getProfileApi(); Syntax: Full Syntax of the getUserProfileLink API call: getUserProfileLink($identifiers, $username = ‘name’, $path_only = false, $attribs = null, $xhtml = true, $ssl = null) $identifiers – int/array or int Single user id or array of user ids for…

  • Extending CjForum using plugin events

    CjForum is not just full featured but also extendable. There are many plugin events the component triggers which you can use to extend the functionality provided by the component. Creating a plugin Please read the following documentation to know about creating a Joomla! plugin. The process is same for any plugin.https://docs.joomla.org/J2.5:Creating_a_Plugin_for_Joomla The best way to…

  • Extending CjForum user profiles with custom profile fields

    CjForum can support extending the profiles with custom profile fields. Available since v1.0.8. Creating CjForum Plugin Please checkout the below page to know how you can create CjForum pluginhttps://wiki.corejoomla.com/Extending_CjForum_using_plugin_events onProfilePrepareForm event CjForum triggers onProfilePrepareForm event before rendering the profile form. This event can be used to inject your own custom profile fields into the form.…

  • Award points to users using CjForum Points System

    Prerequisites: Add the required CjForum API library: require_once JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjforum/lib/api.php’; Now get the Points API: $pointsApi = CjForumApi::getPointsApi(); Creating rules XML file A rules xml file needs to be created with all rules which you would like to provide with your component. An example of the rules xml file is: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <cjforum> <points_rule> <name>com_cjforum.new_topic</name>…

  • Using CjBlog avatars in your custom component

    Prerequisites $api = JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjblog/api.php’; if(file_exists($api)) { include_once $api; //rest of integration code here } Prefetching Users If you are loading multiple user avatars at a time, it is good idea to pre-fetch all such user profiles at once which will save some DB calls and thereby improves performance.Pre-fetching CjBlog user profiles Loading Single User Avatar…

  • Pre-fetching CjBlog user profiles

    Prerequisites $api = JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjblog/api.php’; if(file_exists($api)) { include_once $api; //rest of integration code here } Prefetching Users If you do not want to load all avatars at a time, you can prefetch the users so that you can get the user profile/avatar at any point of time during Joomla request life cycle. Note that getting multple…

  • Implementing CjBlog points system in your component

    Prerequisites $api = JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjblog/api.php’; if(file_exists($api)) { include_once $api; //rest of integration code here } Creating XML rules file CjBlog points system requires plugin rule file for users to install on their websites and the respective rule should be triggered from your extension. An example rule file looks like below: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <extension name=”com_communityanswers” type=”cjblog_points”…

  • Create a CjBlog user profile plugin

    CjBlog profile can be added with your custom output using CjBlog plugins. Please take a look at the CjBlog plugins for articles to get better understanding of how it works. Here is the brief explanation of how you can create a plugin with simple steps.CjBlog plugin is a standard Joomla plugin with the group cjblog.…

  • Configuring CjBlog points system

    CjBlog comes with built-in Points system, it straight forward and doesn’t need to create any rules. You need to obtain the plugin rules file to be installed from the developer who supports CjBlog points system. For most corejoomla products, Joomla! content, system, user and Kunena forum component, the plugins are available on CjBlog downloads section.…

  • Assign badges to users from your extension

    Prerequisites $api = JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjblog/api.php’; if(file_exists($api)) { include_once $api; //rest of integration code here } Understanding Badges Badges are much like ranks however a user can have multiple badges at a time. For example, a user can have a badge for writing 10 articles, another for 100 articles and another for writing an article with 1000…