Setting up activity streams system for Sociable


Sociable comes with a powerful activity streaming platform that allows you to configure all activities posted on the wall. It can be easily integrated with third-party extensions using the flexible API (please read the documentation if you are a developer). All corejoomla extensions have integration with the Sociable Activity Stream system. If you are using any of the corejoomla extensions, you can simply enable the Activity Stream option in respective extension integration options. Sociable has built-in support for Joomla! articles and user extensions.

Setting up activity stream rules

To allow any activity posted on the Sociable wall, you must set up the activity rule for such activity. To see what all activity rules are installed and configured, go to Components -> Sociable -> Activity Rules page. If you are setting up the component for the first time or installed any supported third-party component, you can scan for the rules shipped with all supported third-party extensions by clicking on the Scan Rules button. The system will automatically detect and install the rules found across your installed extensions.

You can enable or disable each individual rule, configure the access and content of each rule in the Activity Rules page.

Menu items

Sociable activities are shown on the front-end using Activities view. You can create the menu item for this view so that your users can easily navigate to see all activities posted by their friends and followers.

Manage activities

Once you configure the rules, Sociable will start publishing all enabled activities when the users are interacting on your site. To see the activities, you can visit your front-end component pages. The wall of a user will show activities from his friends and followers or to all the users according to the scope they select for each activity. By default, all third-party extension activities are posted as public scope. As an administrator, you can manage all activities in the backend on Components -> Sociable -> Activities page.

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