Setting up the points system for Sociable


Sociable has a built-in points system that allows your users to get rewarded for various activities on your site. You can configure the points for each activity available. The points can be earned within the Sociable component through many actions such as posting status, creating a topic in groups, etc. The points can also be earned from the actions performed on other Joomla! extensions such as CjForum etc. For example, if you run a forum using CjForum component, you can reward your user for posting topics, like/dislike topics, etc.

Sociable points system is flexible. You can use the built-in points system or use supported third party points systems. When you use a third-party points system, the points for the activities on Sociable will be posted to the selected system.


The native sociable user activities do not need any plugin to be enabled. However the integration with third-party components and Joomla! native components need a few plugins enabled. Follow the below steps:
Step 1: Navigate to Extensions -> Plugins
Step 2: Search for the keyword “sociable”
Step 3: Enable “User – Sociable” and “Content – Sociable” plugins to integrate Joomla! articles and User components.
You may want to enable additional third-party plugins that you are using and have integration with Sociable.

Enable Points System

Step 1: In your admin site, navigate to Components -> Sociable and click on Options button the toolbar
Step 2: Now click on the Integration tab in the Options page
Step 3: Select “Sociable” in the Points System option.

Scan for rules

The user activities are rewarded based on the number of points that you set up for each of such activities. Sociable comes with many such points rules which you can enable or disable. All corejoomla extensions comes with support for Sociable points system. To install the rules and set up them, follow the below steps.
Step 1: Navigate to Components -> Sociable -> Points Rules
Step 2: Click on Scan Rules button

This will scan and install all the available points rules across your installed components. Enable or disable the required rules and configure the points for each rule.

Congratulations, you have successfully enabled Sociable Points System and your users ready to earn points from the activities on your site.

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