Category: General

  • All our extensions use the MaxMind GeoIP City database to find the user location and other Geographical information of the users while saving the user data to your site. This information is used for reporting purposes in some places such as Community Surveys reporting and used for logging purposes in all extensions. Please note that…

  • The documentation describes the smart tags that can be used in email templates. The tags will be replaced automatically with the necessary content before the emails are sent to users. These placeholders can be added at any place in the email templates of the respective extension. CjForum In subject: {TOPIC_TITLE} – this tag will be…

  • This guide explains setting up cronjob to trigger emails automatically without need for any page loads. Most of corejoomla extensions adds emails to the queue in CjLib component and needs a trigger to send the emails at regular intervals. There are two ways to trigger emails: Types of scheduled jobs Manual triggering: In this method…

  • Setup One-Click Updates You can now update extensions automatically within your website just like Joomla updates. For this, you need to have a few prerequisites on your website setup. Follow the below instructions. Now you are all set. When an update is available, you will be shown an alert just like any Joomla update and…

  • Precautions: Never uninstall individual extensions of a package separately. i.e. components/modules/plugins should never be uninstalled separately. To clean uninstall complete extension including component, modules and plugin; the package should be uninstalled. Do not uninstall CjLib package before uninstalling other corejoomla extensions. Database tables will never be deleted by the uninstall. You need to delete them…

  • All corejoomla extensions use CjLib language files for translating date strings. To translate the date strings shown on front-end, translate the file administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_cjlib.sys.ini to your language. You can also find community-contributed language translations on the Transifex site.

  • I have installed the component but I could not access it on the front end, it gives me a 401 error. What am I missing? You need to set permission settings. All Shondalai components come with permission settings, which give you immense control over various functionalities of the component such as component access, create, view,…

  • All corejoomla components uses Joomla shareable layout system so that they can be used anywhere with less configuration. Please read more about shareable layouts here: To override any component layout: Identify the layout file you would like to override Copy the layout files to your override directory Make modifications and you are good to go.…

  • Most of the corejoomla applications uses Ajax requests to send and recieve information from the server. Ajax is a technique used to send/recieve data from the server asynchronously (without reloading page). You can find more about Ajax at this page: We use json requests to send and receive data with Ajax. When the result…

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