Tags which can be used in email templates

The documentation describes the smart tags that can be used in email templates. The tags will be replaced automatically with the necessary content before the emails are sent to users.

These placeholders can be added at any place in the email templates of the respective extension.


In subject:

  • {TOPIC_TITLE} – this tag will be replated with actual topic title

In description:

  • {NAME} – Receiver name
  • {AUTHOR_NAME} – Name of the user who performed an activity such as creating topic, replying, like or dislike etc.
  • {TOPIC_TITLE} – Title of the topic
  • {TOPIC_DESCRIPTION} – Description of the topic
  • {TOPIC_URL} – Url of the topic
  • {CATEGORY} – Name of the topic category
  • {SITENAME} – Your site name as defined on global configuration

Community Answers

In subject:

  • {QUESTION_TITLE} – this tag will be replated with actual question title

In description:

  • {NAME} – Receiver name
  • {AUTHOR_NAME} – Name of the user who performed an activity such as creating question, answer, like or dislike etc.
  • {QUESTION_TITLE} – Title of the question
  • {QUESTION_URL} – Url of the question
  • {CATEGORY} – Category name of corresponding question
  • {SITENAME} – Your site name as defined on global configuration

Community Surveys

In subject:

  • {SURVEY_TITLE} – this tag will be replated with actual question title

In description:

  • {AUTHOR_NAME} – Name of the user who performed an activity such as creating question, answer, like or dislike etc.
  • {SURVEY_TITLE} – Title of the question
  • {SURVEY_URL} – Url of the question
  • {CATEGORY} – Category name of corresponding question
  • {SITENAME} – Your site name as defined on global configuration

Community Polls

In subject:

  • {POLL_TITLE} – this tag will be replated with actual question title

In description:

  • {AUTHOR_NAME} – Name of the user who performed an activity such as creating question, answer, like or dislike etc.
  • {POLL_TITLE} – Title of the question
  • {POLL_URL} – Url of the question
  • {CATEGORY} – Category name of corresponding question
  • {SITENAME} – Your site name as defined on global configuration

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