Overriding Sociable layouts

Sociable comes by default with themes for bootstrap2, bootstrap3 and bootstrap4. You can override any of these themes to create your own theme.

How to override a theme

To override a theme, copy a theme folder from components/com_sociable/layouts/themename to /templates/yourtemplatename/html/layouts/com_sociable/themename. Each theme has set of php files for complete forum pages. Modify the required layout with your changes. Here is the summary of list of layouts which you can override:

  • activity- this folder contains all layouts related to activity stream
  • common – all common layouts like pagination are available in this folder
  • groups – this folder contains all layouts related to groups
  • profile – this folder contains all profile related layouts
  • activity.php – main layout file for activity page
  • groups.php – main layout file for groups page
  • members.php – main layout for connect page
  • notifications.php – main layout file for notifications page
  • profile.php – main layout file for profile page

More details about shareable layouts can be found here:

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