Category: GPS Tools

  • You can use GPS Tools content plugin to add any track to your Joomla articles. The plugin can be enabled from the Joomla Plugin Manager. Go to Extensions -> Plugins -> Filter content plugins and enable the “Content – GPS Tools” plugin. After enabling the plugin, add the shortcodes as explained below in your articles.…

  • Install GPS Tools package GPS Tools package comes as a single installable package which includes the GPS Tools component and all addon modules and plugins. Configure options After installing the component, Joomla! will create a menu item under your admin menus. Go to components->GPS Tools->options button on toolbar. All options are documented over their labels.…

  • v6.2.0 (09-Apr-2024) + Added option to customise the marker image shown when hover on the charts+ Added print/download button on the map (openstreetmaps)+ Added an option to disable clustering at the selected zoom on GPX Tracks module* Editor is not shown correctly on front-end* Fixed issue with editing an existing track v6.1.0 (28-Jan-2024) + Added…

  • Gps Tools is not just full featured but also extendable. There are many plugin events the component triggers which you can use to extend the functionality provided by the component. Plugin events are supported in CS v4 and above only. Creating a plugin Please read the following documentation to know about creating a Joomla! plugin.…

  • You can publish your modules in the following custom module locations which are specific for the component. These are not the module positions provided by your Joomla template rather custom positions defined by GPS tools. tracks-list-above-categories: shows modules on top of the listings and but below the toolbar tracks-list-below-categories: shows modules on top of the…

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