Custom module positions in GPS Tools

You can publish your modules in the following custom module locations which are specific for the component. These are not the module positions provided by your Joomla template rather custom positions defined by GPS tools.

  • tracks-list-above-categories: shows modules on top of the listings and but below the toolbar
  • tracks-list-below-categories: shows modules on top of the listings but below the categories
  • tracks-list-above-pagination: shows modules below the listings but above pagination
  • tracks-list-below-pagination: shows modules on bottom of content
  • tracks-details-below-toolbar: shows modules just below toolbar on track details page
  • tracks-details-above-map: shows modules just above the map on track details page
  • tracks-details-above-charts: shows modules just above the charts on track details page
  • tracks-details-above-track-info: shows modules just above the track information block on track details page
  • tracks-details-above-suggestions: shows modules just above the suggestions list block on track details page
  • tracks-details-above-comments: shows modules just above the comments block on track details page

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