Customizing category image and icon

CjForum allow you to configure category icon in two ways.

  1. Upload image
  2. Use FontAwesome icon

Upload Icon

  1. Go to Components->CjForum->Categories
  2. Click on your category link
  3. Click Options tab
  4. Select and upload image in the Image option
  5. Clear your server and browser cache

Use FontAwesome Icon

  1. Make sure “Content – CjForum” plugin is enabled in Plugin Manager
  2. Go to Components->CjForum->Categories
  3. Click on your category link
  4. Click Forum Options tab
  5. Enter FontAwesome css class in “Category Icon Class” text box, for example: fa fa-bullhorn fa-3x. This is the large icon.
  6. Enter FontAwesome css class in “Sub Category Icon Class” text box, for example: fa fa-bullhorn. This is small icon for subcategorie
  7. Optionally you can customize the category row color using Bootstrap classes. Enter any of the following class name in “Category Row Class” text box (or your own custom class name)
    • list-group-item-success
    • list-group-item-warning
    • list-group-item-danger
    • list-group-item-info
  8. Clear your server and browser cache

FontAwesome class names are usually in the format fa fa-ICONNAME. Add fa-3x/fa-2x for showing large icon for the patent category. Please refer to FontAwesome documentation for most customization options. You can find all icons and their names at 

Note: Top level categories will not show any category as they are used as sections.

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