Category: CjBlog

  • Prerequisites $api = JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjblog/api.php’; if(file_exists($api)) { include_once $api; //rest of integration code here } Prefetching Users If you are loading multiple user profiles at a time, it is good idea to pre-fetch all such user profiles at once which will save some DB calls and thereby improves performance.Pre-fetching CjBlog user profiles Get User Profile Link…

  • Prerequisites $api = JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjblog/api.php’; if(file_exists($api)) { include_once $api; //rest of integration code here } Prefetching Users If you are loading multiple user avatars at a time, it is good idea to pre-fetch all such user profiles at once which will save some DB calls and thereby improves performance.Pre-fetching CjBlog user profiles Loading Single User Avatar…

  • Prerequisites $api = JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjblog/api.php’; if(file_exists($api)) { include_once $api; //rest of integration code here } Prefetching Users If you do not want to load all avatars at a time, you can prefetch the users so that you can get the user profile/avatar at any point of time during Joomla request life cycle. Note that getting multple…

  • Installation Installing CjBlog no different than other Joomla extensions. A quick guide is available here: Configuration Options The first step after installation is configuring CjBlog. Go to Components->CjBlog in your administration control panel (ACP) and click on Options button on toolbar. You will be presented with a popup which has the following tabs. Every option…

  • Prerequisites $api = JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjblog/api.php’; if(file_exists($api)) { include_once $api; //rest of integration code here } Creating XML rules file CjBlog points system requires plugin rule file for users to install on their websites and the respective rule should be triggered from your extension. An example rule file looks like below: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <extension name=”com_communityanswers” type=”cjblog_points”…

  • CjBlog profile can be added with your custom output using CjBlog plugins. Please take a look at the CjBlog plugins for articles to get better understanding of how it works. Here is the brief explanation of how you can create a plugin with simple steps.CjBlog plugin is a standard Joomla plugin with the group cjblog.…

  • CjBlog comes with built-in Points system, it straight forward and doesn’t need to create any rules. You need to obtain the plugin rules file to be installed from the developer who supports CjBlog points system. For most corejoomla products, Joomla! content, system, user and Kunena forum component, the plugins are available on CjBlog downloads section.…

  • CjBlog comes with integrated badges and points system. We already have corejoomla products integrated and the necessary plugins available for points system and badges system. Apart from corejoomla products, standard Joomla content, User, System and Kunena integrations also available in downloads section. If you would like to integrate your component with CjBlog, please see developer…

  • When I logged in to front-end, I don’t see submit button. How can I submit articles from front-end? CjBlog uses Joomla article system itself to store your articles instead of reinventing the whole wheel. And Joomla by default do not allow Registered user group to submit articles. You need to be in Author or above…

  • 2.1.0 – 2018-06-03 + GDPR Compliance: Allow users to download their profile and data + GDPR Compliance: Allow users to delete their profile and data + GDPR Compliance: Take user consent with link to privacy url in profile form + Added description about installed packages during installation + Added support for CjForum User “About me”…

  • Prerequisites $api = JPATH_ROOT.’/components/com_cjblog/api.php’; if(file_exists($api)) { include_once $api; //rest of integration code here } Understanding Badges Badges are much like ranks however a user can have multiple badges at a time. For example, a user can have a badge for writing 10 articles, another for 100 articles and another for writing an article with 1000…

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