v6.2.0 (25-Dec-2024)
+ Add tracks navigation on track details page
* Tracks list shows empty when MySQL null dates are used
v6.1.6 (22-Oct-2024)
* Download permission set at track level does not work
* Search filter cleared out when moving to next page on tracks listing
v6.1.5 (07-Oct-2024)
* Fixed issue with MySQL null checks
v6.1.4 (10-Aug-2024)
* Max speed is calculated incorrectly when the distance between points is too small
* Total ascend, descend stats are not shown
v6.1.3 (30-Jun-2024)
+ Added locate me control for OSM
+ Added new stats Total Ascend and Total Descend
v6.1.2 (11-May-2024)
* GPX Tracks module uses http version of the tiles layer
* OSM Tiles layer is not showing after update
v6.1.1 (09-Apr-2024)
+ Added option to customise the marker image shown when hover on the charts
+ Added print/download button on the map (openstreetmaps)
+ Added an option to disable clustering at the selected zoom on GPX Tracks module
* Editor is not shown correctly on front-end
* Fixed issue with editing an existing track
v6.1.0 (28-Jan-2024)
+ Added total distance in the track pin popup in GPX Tracks module + Add full screen icon to the map in GPX Tracks module + Add an option in GPX Tracks module to show markers in groups of clusters + New options to add start and end markers of the track + Improved options to show global value in category and track menus + New smart search plugin added + New option to customize OSM layers
v6.0.4 (14-Jan-2024)
+ Added support for Rewardify Points + Google Maps JS API update + Added support for marker clusters on GPX Tracks module + Added support to show tracks in alphabetic order in GPS Tools module * Category description and image are not showing * Category marker icon is not used when displaying waypoints * GPX Tracks module does not show Google Maps RoadMap
v6.0.3 (28-Oct-2023)
* GPS Tools editor button is not showing * Fixed the margin of batch button on admin toolbar * Fixes issues related to PHP strict standards
v6.0.2 (26-Sep-2023)
* Package installation issue fixed
v6.0.1 (25-Sep-2023)
* Fixed issue with backend track edit form
v6.0.0 (24-Sep-2023)
+ Breaking Change: Added support for Joomla 5 ^ Breaking Change: Removed legacy layer for Joomla 3
v5.3.8 (15-Aug-2023)
^ Updated SQL installation file to support null dates * Fixed issue with GPX tracks where sudden increase in speed is not detected
v5.3.7 (16-May-2023)
* GPX Tracks module causing SQL error
v5.3.6 (12-May-2023)
* Fixed installation error with prev version
v5.3.5 (10-May-2023)
^ Removed deprecated code ^ Replaced JFile/JFolder deprecated wrappers with respective file system functions * Fixed error when loading a new track that does not have waypoints * Changed the tiles URL from http to https * Fixed issue with gpxtracks module showing yet to publish tracks * Form layout menu shows erorr when SEF is disabled * CjForum tracks plugin do not use proper styling
v5.3.4 (11-Dec-2022)
* Fixed issue with editor button plugin not inserting content into the editor * Fixed issue with Track Info toggle option when using content plugin
v5.3.3 (18-Nov-2022)
* Fixed issue with track selection field on single track menu item * Removed unsued language strings
v5.3.2 (07-Nov-2022)
+ Added support for PHP 8.1 + Added options to show/hide statistics and waypoints table * Tags are not saving in Joomla 3.10 or later versions
v5.3.1 (27-Jun-2022)
* Show Track Information & Show Waypoints Fields values cannot be unselected * Page shows error when the component redirect to login/any page
v5.3.0 (26-Feb-2022)
* Track form page shows error to guest users * Editor button plugin causing issue with Joomla 4 * Fix issue with loading CjForum app to display tracks list * Fixed issue with installation script when using mysql scrict mode * Editor button plugin does not open correct modal window * Fixed issue with single track menu item selection modal in Joomla3
v5.2.5 (08-Dec-2021)
+ Updated the Google Charts API to use latest version ^ Added padding to rating block display on track details page * Fixed issue with author name wrapped below the avatar * Fixed issue with hits shown twice on listing page * Fixed issue with uploading tracks with invalid latlon points * Categories page shows warning message on Joomla 4
v5.2.4 (01-Sep-2021)
+ Adding component changelog support for Joomla 4 + Sociable integration added * Track type radio button is non-functional on Joomla 4 track form
v5.2.3 (10-Aug-2021)
* Waypoints are shown only to administrators and not others
v5.2.2 (06-Aug-2021)
* Fixed issue with komento plugin with deleted comments
* Fixed issue with OpenStreetMap not showing for guest users
v5.2.1 (02-Aug-2021)
^ Change mile markers to use distance instead of fixed numbers
^ Display tweaks with toolbar on Bootstrap 5 layout
* Editor button does not insert correct shortcode into the editor
v5.2.0 (18-Jul-2021)
+ New feature: Show mile markers for each X meters, customizable globally, category or track level
+ Automatically detect and use category in GPX Tracks module when published on a GPS Tools category page
+ New feature: Choose waypoint as track start point shown on GPX Tracks
+ New layout based on Bootstrap 5 library
+ Joomla 4 RC4 support added
+ PHP 8 support added
* Fixed issue with administrator menu items not showing on sidebar
* Points are not awarded for new track when using easysocial
v5.1.10 (25-Mar-2021)
+ PHP 8 support added
* Download button does not work when the track is shown using content plugin
v5.1.9 (01-Mar-2021)
* Map does not show on KML tracks with empty elevation in their points
* The elevation starts at 0 for tracks with rte points
* Minimum and maximum elevations are incorrectly shown for tracks with rte points
* Unable to save single track menu item
v5.1.8 (23-Jan-2021)
+ Joomla 4 beta 2 support added
+ Added full screen button on OpenStreetMap on the form page
+ New field to define the downloaded track filename on the track page
* Moved the track selection to below the category to avoid category selection reset the track
* Editing a track from backend resets the hits
* Custom field values are not saved when editing track from front-end
* KML files with multiple placemarks do not show all waypoints
v5.1.7 (16-Jun-2020)
+ Joomla 4 beta support added
v5.1.6 (08-Jun-2020)
* Charts are not loaded in content plugin after last release
v5.1.5 (21-May-2020)
* Charts are not loaded when using Google maps * List limit option does not work * Disallow Google to follow certain ajax links to index nonexistent content
v5.1.4 (1-Jan-2020)
+ New configuration option to show/hide categories list + Added new module positions (see documentation for updates) * Added missing language string for EasySocial user points setup * Unicode urls are not created when saving the items
v5.1.3 (07-Oct-2019)
+ Improved star rating system to rate tracks, removed raty plugin + Show user rating along with track rating on track details page
v5.1.2 (17-Sep-2019)
* Track cannot be submitted after upgrade
v5.1.1 (17-Sep-2019)
^ Joomla 4 alpha 11 compatibility updates * Fixed installation errors
v5.1.0 (15-Aug-2019)
+ New gpx chart type: Pedalling Cadence + New tracks listing plugin for CjForum profile + Responsive waypoints table + New option to customize the columns displayed on the waypoints table + New option to show logged-in user stats in Tracks Stats module + Show description upto < hr id="system-readmore"/> in gpxtracks module ^ Removed references to Google+ service * Hover on tooltips disappear elements when mootools loaded on the page
v5.0.4 (15-Jun-2019)
+ New option to configure separate the Google Elevation API key with front-end API key and allow restrictions at key level + Added option to configure max width of popup in GPX Tracks module ^ Redirect guest users to login page when access is denied * Guest users unable to submit tracks * Multilanguage categories are not shown on tracks form
v5.0.3 (08-May-2019)
* Unable to save track after changing the category * Rating shows 4.5 stars when the rating is 5 * Name is not shown in waypoints table when description is empty
v5.0.2 (03-Apr-2019)
+ Added rating number text on track details page + Added support to capture waypoint names from gpx files + Added support to edit waypoint description on the track page + Track stats are now resposive to mobile devices, without tables + Added jsitemap plugin + Added total tracks, distance and time statistics on user tracks page ^ Updated layer control library version * Points not awarded to the user for liking a track * Remove IDs configuration option button style is not shown * Few language strings are not loaded in configuration options * Tracks with route points are not loaded properly * Tooltip plugin causes issue when loading track in an article * Editor button to insert track shortcode is not working * Waypoint name is not being captured during track processing * Clean Cache button on tracks page do not clear waypoints
v5.0.1 (02-Dec-2018)
+ Added option to enable/disable layers control for osm * Advanced search form is not shown when using bootstrap3 layout * Feature button on backend listing page is not working
v5.0.0 (30-Nov-2018)
+ Joomla 4 compatibility: We revamped the entire code base and rewritten many functions to make the extension fully compatible with the new Joomla 4 release. + Bootstrap 4 support: We created all new layout for supporting Bootstrap 4 based templates including Joomla 4 default template. + New Router: We created a new router which supports modern urls such as removal of IDs in the URLs. + New option to override the default colors in GPX file + Added full screen control to the OSM map + New feature to select the layers from number of available providers when using OSM maps. ^ Updated search plugin for new API support * No error shown when the track upload was unsuccessful * Fixed issue with the PHP warning on categories page * Elevation measurement option is not reflected on the track page * Charts are not showin on content plugin * Category flat list is not properly aligned * Unable to edit track when associations are enabled * Backend dashboard page shows warning * Marker popup width and height are not properly aligned when using OSM * Google Maps not working with GPX Tracks module * Speed chart is not showing even through data is available in gpx file
v4.3.0 (04-Jun-2018)
+ Added several new options to support OpenStreetMap in addition to Google Maps + Added support for MapBox and OSRM as directions provider when using OSM + Added support for MapBox and Nominatim as Geocoding/places provider when using OSM + Edit track waypoint description/details, add custom descriptions for waypoints * Track elevation data is not updated when there is no elevation data present in the gpx file * Waypoint popup title and description are on the same line on the map * JavaScript errors fixed on some templates which do not load Joomla libraries * Content plugin options are ignored * My Surveys link shows on home page menu item * Track suggestions do not show * Old URLs from v3 are not redirecting properly.
v4.2.2 (14-Jan-2018)
+ Allow changing the gpx file/content of the track + Added description parameter to the editor plugin placeholder. ^ Updated default character set of tables to utf8mb4_unicode_ci * Track description cannot be hidden when using content plugin * Display popular tracks sorted by number of hits
v4.2.1 (28-Dec-2017)
* Unable to update extension using automatic updates, package is corrupt
v4.2.0 (27-Dec-2017)
+ Added support for handling gpxx:displayColor to show track color + Customize gpxtracks module start point marker icon in category options + Added support for Joomla! Fields and Field Groups + Added KML layer support * Popular tracks link do not show tracks sorted by hits * Download track link do not work after upgrading to Joomla 3.8.3 * Backend button icons gets duplicated when load bootstrap option enabled * Tracks Order option label is incorrect
v4.1.8 (29-Oct-2017)
+ Show track file name on tracks listing page ^ Updated line colors option description to state the usecases of the option ^ Changed the line colors option first color to blue to match single color option * KML files do not show on map * Content plugin do not show description even the option is present
v4.1.7 (15-Oct-2017)
* Marker icon on map is not showing when hover on the chart points
v4.1.6 (12-Oct-2017)
+ Show waypoint icons based on symbol name (<sym> tag handling) + Show multiple tracks of the gpx file in different colors * The map shows incomplete track when there are multiple tracks present in single gpx file
v4.1.4/5 (02-Oct-2017)
^ Changed permission label "View" to "View Tracks" * Untranslated string in component settings * Search form ignores search term when clicking on links in pagination * All track segments are not rendered when there are multiple track segments in a gpx track file * Waypoints are not displayed on the map * Unable to hide empty categories * Cannot go to second page of the track search results
v4.1.3 (02-Sep-2017)
* Wrong label for Elevation measurement admin option * Elevation value of the first waypoint is always 0 * Categories are not shown in selected order in tracks listing page * Cannot hide the tracks count on categories listing * GPS Tools using admin translation rather than frontend translation value of "Meters"
v4.1.1/2 (12-Aug-2017)
+ New Option to show/hide star rating box on track details page + Show tracks from subcategories when searching for tracks ^ Remove unused directories from previous versions * Downloaded track file has missing file extension * Description of category is not shown in list layout
v4.1.0 (30-Jul-2017)
+ New option to show/hide individual statistics of track + New option to show/hide total track distance in tracks listing page + New option to show/hide total track duration in tracks listing page + Use track alias name for downloaded track file name + New options to show/hide rating block on listing and track pages + New option to show/hide author block on track details page * Corrected language errors * Clean Cache button do not prompt to select tracks * Incorrect search criteria option in advanced search page * Remove unused views files from older versions * Advanced search page shows error when searching for small words * GPX Tracks module does not filter tracks by selected language * GPS Tools listing module does not filter tracks by selected language * Space showed when all track metadata is hidden * When using the menu type Category, search functionality is not working
v4.0.4 (09-Jul-2017)
+ New option to show/hide toolbar + New option to show short description in listing page ^ Updated copyright year * Listing page links contain invalid HTML * Tracks migration from v3 produces wrong category assignments * User display name option is not working * Track stats module do not use global settings * Corrected typos in language file * Komento plugin throws error after upgrading to new version
v4.0.3 (20-Mar-2017)
+ Reposition map along the path when hovering on charts ^ Added missing permission setting to allow/disallow track likes * Inadequate filtering in request parameters * Corrected wrong plugin name * Track could not be displayed if the kml file has coordinates not properly aligned
v4.0.2 (26-Feb-2017)
* Inadequate filtering in request parameters * Corrected wrong plugin name ^ Added missing permission setting to allow/disallow track likes
v4.0.1 (05-Dec-2016)
* Download track link not working for guests * Cannot override the permissions to deny a permission * Tags are not migrated with migration script * Download link not working when track showed using content plugin * Elevation value is empty in waypoints details * File upload form is not shown on few templates
v4.0.0 (01-Nov-2016)
+ New routing system + Tags Migration to Joomla! tags system + Track Form Enhancements + Back-end Track Creation + Track Data Enhancements + Backend UI Enhancements + New Permission System + New Layout System + One Click Updates
v3.8.0 (25-Mar-2016)
+ New GPS Tools tracks statistics plugin * Exported track file cannot be shown on Google Maps * Error shown in feed link * The track shows only partial information in speed chart
v3.7.5 (04-Oct-2015)
+ Switched Elevation API to Google Maps Elevation API ^ Changed the Google Maps URL to https version * modal dialogs do not show on few sites * Advanced search with username produces error
v3.7.4 (26-June-2015)
+ Configuration option to filter related tracks only by tags or by all * Search should be case insensitive ^ Updated sharing tools to use AddThis async function ^ Switched http version of maps to https version
v3.7.3 (21-Feb-2015)
* Edit links on backend dashboard does not work ^ Removed legacy code
v3.7.2 (28-Jan-2015)
* KML file downloads with GPX extension with download track link
v3.7.1 (15-Jan-2015)
* CSS conflicts for track rating
v3.7.0 (15-Jan-2015)
+ New + Now supports KMZ (compressed kml) files (only track data and no attached files im kmz) + Rate the tracks and show star ratings of tracks on listing pages + Added title for the waypoint markers * Track color option have no effect on the front-end track display * Button icons conflict with Joomla bootstrap icons in Joomla 3 * Feed is always showing empty result * RSS Feeds always shows empty results * Line color, width and opacity cannot be changed from options * Approval link from dashboard page results in error
v3.6.8 (24-Oct-2014)
* Typo in table name as gostools_trackdetails causing error
v3.6.4 (18-Dec-2013)
+ EasySocial User Avatar and User Profile linking support + EasySocial Activity Stream support + EasySocial User Points support
v3.6.3 (29-Nov-2013)
^ Removed deprecated code * Links in suggestions are wrong
v3.6.2 (18-Nov-2013)
* No related tracks shown on track details page
v3.6.1 (13-Nov-2013)
* Search do not produce any results
v3.6.0 (12-Nov-2013)
+ Configuration option to restrict number of related and category tracks displayed ^ Google Visualization new version update ^ GMap3 plugin update * Track information not updating properly
v3.5.22 (19-Sep-2013)
* Incorrect link is posted in JomSocial activity stream * Waypoints are not rendered correctly * Modal boxes are not shown properly on few templates
v3.5.21 (02-Sep-2013)
* Global check box not working on tracks page * Search box is too small * Pagination limit not working
v3.5.20 (19-Aug-2013)
* Redirected error page after unpublish/publishing tracks * Approval mails are not being sent * Kommento plugin fixes
v3.5.19 (29-July-2013)
* Average speed fixes
v3.5.18 (19-July-2013)
* Ignore unexpected and erroneous spikes in average speeds on speed charts
v3.5.17 (16-July-2013)
* Unable to select category in GPS Tools Default Layout menu configuration
v3.5.8 (01-Apr-2013)
* Language check button style on admin pages is corrupted * Restrict assigning the parent category to itself to avoid DB crashes * Tags and other menu items on toolbar produce 404 error if SEF urls not enabled in Joomla * Unable to enter utf characters in tags input box * Can't select list limit value other than 20 * Search form redirects to home page if SEF urls not enabled in Joomla
v3.5.7 (26-Feb-2013)
+ New Joomla Editor button to insert track easily in an article. * Collapse navigation opens main collapse on bootstrap templates on mobile devices
v3.5.6 (18-Feb-2013)
+ Debugging mode available + Tags now support UTF-8 characters * Unable to create track if magic quotes is enabled (recommended to switch it off)
v3.5.5 (04-Feb-2013)
+ Now you can view the track on Google Earth in 3D. + New module positions added * Validations not working on form * Content plugins not working on description
v3.5.4 (27-Jan-2013)
+ Backend option to delete JS cache + Mouse movement tracker for chart and map
v3.5.3 (25-Jan-2013)
* Average speed statistic is incorrect * Users unable to edit their own tracks
v3.5.2 (24-Jan-2013)
+ RSS Feeds support * Follow link not working * Admins not able to see publishing/editing options on front-end
v3.5.1 (22-Jan-2013)
* File extension check should be case insensitive
v3.5.0 (21-Jan-2013)
+ Full rewrite of front-end and back-end with Joomla 3 support + No need to have GPX/KML files. Users can directly draw tracks on maps and app will create gpx tracks for you. + Improved load time by caching all javascript code generated to the files. Now pages loads faster by upto 80% for second requests. + Zoom and detailed view support for elevation/speed/hr charts + Chart and map tracker support - move mouse over the chart to see where the point located on map + More track statistics + Tagging support - Now add tags to your tracks instead of just the categories + Categories list on main page is back with polished look + New advanced search page fore more user friendly search + New toolbar with new listing types shortcuts (most downloaded tracks) + Email subscriptions of new tracks (category and global). + My Tracks and My Subscriptions pages + Slick sharing tools + Spam track reporting feature
v3.1.0 (03-Dec-2012)
+ Configuration option to hide categories + Road map/Terrain support + Option to hide checkpoint table
v3.0.5 (21-Nov-2012)
* Error in Joomla 1.5 installer, prevents from installing component
v3.0.4 (21-Nov-2012)
+ Link to edit track from front-end provided
v3.0.3 (21-Oct-2012)
* Pagination not working on listing page
v3.0.2 (13-Oct-2012)
* Installer unable to create default category on new installations
v3.0.1 (10-Oct-2012)
^ Do not show charts which do not have any data available
v3.0.0 (05-Oct-2012)
+ New Google Maps v3 and Charts v3 support. Now you can get rid of deprecated old Google APIs. + Content plugin to display tracks in Articles + Automatic Elevation Retrieval: Missing elevation data in your GPX/KML files? Do not worry, the component will automatically get them from the webservices for you and stores in cache. + Caching System: The data files will be processed once and used for subsequent requests. This will greatly reduces the usage of system resources as well as improves performance. + New Track information table to display important information about the track + New elevation profile and placemark details table for KML files + Revamped UI: New look and feel for front-end + Disqus Comments, Intensedebate Comments, Facebook Comments, JAComment, JComment support + CoreJoomla Library (CJLib) component support + Selecting theme right from the configuration + WYSIWYG and BBCode editor support improved + Simplified configuration + BBCode editor support + Editing submitted track details support (from front-end) + Add/modify track alias support from front-end
And many bugs were fixed during rewrite phase.
v2.0.2 (15-Mar-2012)
* Saving configuration deletes the HTML content of options * Points not awarded for new tracks
v2.0.1 (20-Jan-2012)
* Hotpatch
v2.0.0 (21-Jan-2012)
+ New GPS Categories Module. + GPX Tracks module can now have default latitude, longitude and zoom options + Activity Stream Update: JomSocial can have like and comment + Limit activity stream length and add read more link + Points system update + Email notifications: New track notification to administrators + Moderation and automatic approval link in email + Unicode aware SEF urls + Moderation of Uploads + multiple plugin instances...or filtered views with categories and restrict upload to certain cats + Share track on Facebook + Independent modules + Remove Root + Plugin to share routes * Space in file name * Category name not displayed when viewing category listing
v1.7.1 (14-Nov-2011)
* Bug in installer. * Bug in configuration page
v1.7.0 (13-Nov-2011)
+ Automatic updation of waypoint data when a track is submitted. * Error occurred while installing afresh in Joomla 1.7 * Configuration page produces 404 error when clicked on save button
v1.7.0 (13-Nov-2011)
+ GPX Tracks module to display all track start points on single map * Several bug fixes related to Safari and IE + Rewrite of workflow + Rewrite of configuration page to easy maintenance + New maintenance tab in admin component
v1.5.6 & v1.6.2 (01-May-2011)
* Space in filename issue
v1.5.5 & v1.6.1 (30-Apr-2011)
+ GPS Tools module to display latest and popular tracks * Language strings hard coded - moved to language file * Space in file name causes track not being loaded
v1.5.4 & v1.6.0 (15-Mar-2011)
+ Joomla 1.6 support + jQuery plugin v1.5.0 & v1.6.1 support * Performance improvements.
v1.5.3 (16-Feb-2011)
* Category count is not updated while submitting new track * Unable to update category in backend * Wrong version number in installer page
v1.5.2 (07-Feb-2011)
+ Option to configure Google Map & Charts width + Option to configure Google Map height * Error occur while loading file in servers where cURL is not installed.
v1.5.1 (06-Feb-2011)
* Search functionality is not working properly
v1.5.0 (05-Feb-2011)
+ Complete rewrite of component + Configurable options to enable disable map type buttons on map + Measurement type can be configured + Speed scale can be configured + Google search bar inside the map to search map locations + Zoom and scale control options + Overview map control + Speed chart and Elevation chart implemented using Google charts + Configurable Track lines + Configurable check point colors + Templates to better use of all options for Check Point Tables + Configurable Gpx waypoint template + Server side processing of gps files + Multilevel categorization of tracks + Added category column to tracks list * Slow loading of tracks + Track Terrain + Calculate Estimated Time To Complete Track + Edit tracks in frontend & delete them in backend + choose map type and buttons to change it on display * Tracks don't show up * Problems with IE8 and IE9 * Single clicks recording double hits
v1.0.1 (19-Nov-2010)
+ Extra features/buttons for profile of maps & chart + WYSIWYG editor support for description field + More human friendly date formats + Improved UI and layouts * Show map and stats in fluid width * Cursor in maps is not functioning under IE
v1.0.0 Initial release
+ First release