Crosswords FAQs

Why I am getting error continuously while creating the crossword?

Make sure you have enough number of keywords/questions published. Please note that after submitting questions from front-end they must be approved on back-end. This will ensure improper questions submitted by your users will not be part of the new crosswords. A 23×23 grid size, hard level crossword will require a minimum of 23 keywords where as easy level 23×23 grid crossword require 13 keywords.

How do the complexity derived?

Complexity of the crossword is based on two factors – Grid Size and Level. Currently a max 23×23 grid is supported with level Hard. The number of questions for each crossword is decided as follows:

  • Level Hard: No. of questions = Grid Size
  • Level Medium: No. of questions = Grid Size – 5
  • Level Easy: No. of questions = Grid Size – 10

How does the questions are selected for creating crossword?

Questions are randomly chosen from the selected category. Make sure you have a minimum number of questions published for each category as per above calculation. Ideal number of questions per category is 30-50.

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