Crosswords Changelog

v3.6.2 (08-Jan-2017)

+ Added transifex config file
+ Added countItems method to count crosswords in categories page
+ Added AltaUserPoints support
^ Added build files
^ Changed autoupdate file location
* Removed redundant files

v3.6.1 (21-Jul-2016)

* Enable Automove option not showing in options
* Email sent after solving crossword contains untranslated body text and title
^ Joomla 3.5 compatibility update

v3.6.0 (30-May-2015)

+ Added a configuration option to enable/disable Solve Question button
+ Added a configuration option to specify minimum percentage of questions needs to be solved before user can request auto solve the crossword.
* Fixed CSS conflicts
^ Updated sharing tools to use AddThis async loading
* Trashing keywords/crosswords unpublish them instead of trashing
* No message shown after keyword submission
* Do not allow saving keyword if already exists

v3.5.0 (26-Nov-2014)

+ EasySocial points plugin added
+ Revamped the administration interface. 
+ Added a new menu item to display single crossword
+ crosswords form page update
+ Fixed bugs in admin interfaces
+ Created new package structure to include component and plugins
+ Added new admin menu items for easy access
* Keyword submission modal box is hidden under backdrop
* Advanced setup block does not show if the site uses Bootstrap 3
* Home button on toolbar produces error

v3.1.0 (01-Jun-2014)

+ EasySocial user points support added
+ EasySocial user avatar and profile linking support added
+ EasySocial activity stream support added
* Toolbar cannot be hidden with configuration value
* Admins email notifications are not being sent 

v3.0.0 (07-July-2013)

+ Supports Joomla 3.x and 2.5.x. Joomla 1.5.x support is dropped.
+ Fully redesigned front-end and back-end based on Bootstrap framework Make use of Joomla categories system.
+ Old categories will graciously migrated to the new system with silent backward handling of old urls (for better SEO handling).
+ Now make use of full blown category system.
+ New toolbar with more useful functions including user friendly login/logout buttons One page crossword creation form instead of additional advanced setup screen.
+ New notification messages Support for new comment systems

v2.0.0 (28-Apr-2012)

+ Redesign of crossword page to support dark themes
+ UTF-8 languages support for Crossword questions/keywords
+ CoreJoomla jQuery plugin v2.0.2 support
* Fixes issue with numbering of cross join cell
* Fixes the issue with selecting and solving cross join cells
* Performance improvements
+ Keyboard events, now move cursor with keyboard arrow keys withing crossword grid
+ Faster processing: The entire crossword logic is redesigned and is not only faster than previous one, but also takes takes very less database calls.
+ New question helper area: Now a tooltip area shows selected question on top of the crossword grid, no need to look down for what the question you are answering
+ Crossword description: Now you can add description for the crossword with either WYSIWYG editor or BBCode editor
+ Improved bookmarking tools: No more sharethis API key is required. configurable buttons.
+ Improved UI layout: Fully redesigned layout makes you feel more comfortable
+ Local theme selection: If you are using other corejoomla extensions, this will help you choose component specific theme

v1.7.1 (12-12-2011)

+ Description for Crosswords
* Categories Listing not working
+ Crossword Creation Personalize/Ownership
+ Modules for Crosswords
+ Email notification on new question submission
+ Allow user to see crossword solution
+ Descriptions area for each puzzle
+ Choose questions
+ UI enhancements to support dark themes
+ Backend version check
+ NEW "All" tab in home page to display list order by name
+ SEO enhancement: SE friendly text in browser title
+ Breadcrumbs: Multilevel category names in breadcrumbs
+ EMail Notification: New notifications when accepting keyword
* Comment system option hidden in configuration

v1.7.0 (10-09-2011)

+ Joomla 1.7 compatibility
+ New and improved UI look
+ jQuery plugin 1.5.0/1.6.1 support
+ Bookmarking tools support through ShareThis
+ Multi-level category system
+ Highlight question when answer is being entered
+ Customize option for Avatar size
+ Kunena avatar API support
+ Customize toolbar buttons and order
+ Option to have clean home page
+ New and improved activity stream and points system support
+ Email notifications on new crossword, keyword or solved crossword
+ More configurable permissions for admin

v1.6.0 (04-04-2011)

+ Added Joomla 1.6 compatibility

v1.0.4 (13-11-2010)

* JomSocial Activity Stream is not in effect when SEF URLs is disabled.

v1.0.3 (12-11-2010)

+ Delete crosswords feature for admins
+ Delete keywords feature for admins
+ Pagination on listing page

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