Sending survey through AcyMailing newsletters

Community Surveys allow you to insert unique survey URLs automatically into your newsletter. For example, if you want to invite 100 users to take the survey, you need not create and insert 100 URLs into the emails, it will be automatically done by the AcyMailing plugin provided by Community Surveys. Here are the steps.

The AcyMailing plugin is now bundled as an add-on with the AcyMailing component. You need not follow the downloading steps mentioned below.

  1. Download and install the AcyMailing plugin for Community Surveys from the downloads section
  2. Enable the plugin from Plugin Manager
  3. Now go to the AcyMailing newsletter creation page and start creating your newsletter.
  4. Find where in the newsletter you would like to add the unique survey URL and place your cursor there.
  5. Click on the Tags button on the toolbar which will show a popup with all available tags. Click on the Community Surveys tab
  6. Now you can see all available surveys to insert into. Click on the survey you would like to send invitations for.
  7. Now you can see the tag inserted into the newsletter. Save and send newsletters to your users.

Manual Option: Just insert the tag {LOADSURVEY: SURVEY_ID} into your newsletter, which will be automatically replaced with the Survey URL. Replace SURVEY_ID with the ID number of the survey. E.g. {LOADSURVEY:1} Note: AcyMailing is a third-party extension that you need to download/purchase from the AcyMailing website. Community Surveys provides a compatibility plugin only.

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