Enabling and showing consolidated report

Consolidated report shows the summary of responses using bar/pie charts and tables. The report can also be used as an overview of your survey responses. The report can be accessible both to the survey respondent and survey author, however can be restricted to show only to the survey author.

Enabling access to view consolidated report

To enable and show the report follow the below steps.

  1. Go to Components -> Community Surveys -> Click on Options button on toolbar
  2. Under Surveys tab, enable “Show Report” option. This option can also be enabled at each survey level.
  3. Under Permissions tab, allow “View Results” permission. This permission can also be set at each survey level.

To allow report accessible only to the author/administrator of the survey, you can disable either of the above options.

Accessing/viewing consolidated report as admin

By default the consolidated report, along with other reports, is accessible to survey author/admin users. You can access the report by following the below steps.


  1. Go to Surveys listing page or My Surveys page on your front-end site
  2. Click on View Reports link on the row of your survey on surveys listing, it will show you reports dashboard.
  3. Click on View Consolidated report link


  1. Login to administrator site
  2. Go to Components -> Community Surveys -> Surveys
  3. Click on View link under Reports column of your survey row, this will show you the reports dashboard
  4. Click on View Consolidated Report link

Viewing consolidated report

If the access is enabled as described above, the users who are responding to your surveys can view the consolidated report immediately after taking the survey. However there are other options that you can offer them to view/access consolidated report.

  1. Enable access to the report as mentioned in above steps so that the users can see the report after taking survey.
  2. Display the report using Consolidated Report Module. You can publish the module in any module position or in an article.
  3. Download the report from reports section of your survey as pdf document and publish it to your users.

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