Conditional Rules Explained


Community Surveys has a powerful feature to alter the flow of the survey based on many factors using conditional rules. Conditional rules can be created at each question.

Conditional rules can be setup on choice and grid type questions.

Actions to Trigger Conditional Rules

The following actions can trigger a conditional rule

  1. User select a specific answer of a question
  2. User do not select a specific answer of a question
  3. User select any answer
  4. User select none of the answers

Outcome from the Conditional Rules

The following outcomes are possible when a conditional rule is triggered

  1. End survey
  2. Show certain questions on same page
  3. Skip the flow to a different page

Creating Conditional Rules

To create a conditional rule, follow the below steps

  1. Go to Components -> Community Surveys -> Surveys
  2. Click on edit link of your survey to edit questions
  3. Add a question by clicking on any question type on toolbar
  4. Click on Conditional Rules tab
  5. Here you will see 4 options
    1. If user answer this question – if you want to take action when user selected ANY answer of this question, select this option
    2. If user do not answer this question – if you want to take action when user selected NONE of the answers of this question, select this option
    3. If user select an answer/column – if you want to take action when user selected SPECIFIC answer which you choose, select this option
    4. If user do not select an answer/column – if you want to take action when user DO NOT select SPECIFIC answer which you choose, select this option
  6. Based on the option you select from above 4, the following options will be shown
    1. Skip to page: – Selecting this option will take the user to selected page of the survey. For example, skip to page 6 of survey.
    2. Show question on this page – This option will show chosen question on same page when the criteria met
    3. Finalize response – This will finishes the survey

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