Category: Community Quotes

  • Installation Installing the component is nothing different from standard Joomla component which is explained here: Setup The setup of component involves the following steps: Author Categories A quote is said by an author, be it yourself or someone else. So you can add Author Profile during quote creation process which includes entering Author details…

  • Community Quotes support built in module positions to which you can assign your modules like Adsense ads or any custom module. Below are the module position supported. quotes-common-above-navbar – On all pages, above the toolbar quotes-common-below-navbar – On all pages, below the toolbar quotes-list-above-categories – On list pages, above the categories listing block quotes-list-below-categories – On list pages, below…

  • v5.0.0 (2023-09-24) + Breaking Change: Added support for Joomla 5 ^ Breaking Change: Removed legacy layer for Joomla 3 v4.2.2 (2023-02-05) + PHP 8.1 support added * Form layout menu shows erorr when SEF is disabled * Fixed PHP deprecation notices * Removed unsued language strings v4.2.1 (2022-08-04) * Fixed issue with installer v4.2.0 (2022-07-30)…

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