Community Quiz supports following question types
Single Selection Radio Buttons
This question type is useful in seeking feedback on only one answer from a list of options. Additionally you can ask custom answer if the user feels none of the answers match from the list.
Multiple Selection Checkboxes
This question type is useful in seeking feedback on multiple answers from a list of options. Additionally you can ask custom answer if the user feels none of the answers match from the list.
Single Selection Image
This question is useful to show an image along with single selection radio buttons. Each answer will be accompanied by an image.
Multiple Selection Images
This question is useful to show an image along with multiple selection checkboxes. Each answer will be accompanied by an image.
Radio Grid
If you want to seek answers for multiple questions in a table like UI, this question can be used. Users can select one answer per question.
Users will be presented with list of questions on left side and they need to match the correct answers from the list boxes shown on right side.
Single Line
Displays a textbox to seek short answers for your question.
Multi Line
Display textarea element to seek long descriptive type answers.
Rich Text
Same as multi line but instead of textarea, your Joomla! editor will be displayed. Users can format the answer and send it.
To seek secret answers
File Upload
Allows users to upload a file which you can access in your reports section.
Page Header
An informative type question. Display descriptive text you enter on top of each page. Do not have any user accessible fields, just displays whatever the information you enter.