Quick get started guide for Community Polls

Installing Community Polls

Please check the documentation here: http://docs.joomla.org/Installing_an_extension

What are the ways to create polls?

  1. From back-end
  2. From front-end

Basic checklist before creating a new poll

  • Permission settings – check if you have given create permission to your user group (if you want to create polls from the front end)
  • Categories – make sure at least one category created
  • Menu items – Menu items form your urls as well as provide per menu configuration options. It is recommended to create a “Community Polls – Category” menu item for each top-level category and all polls will inherit from them.
  • Configuration – make sure you checked the configuration and saved it. things to check – poll types allowed, multiple vote restriction methods used

Quick steps to setup polls

  1. Install the extension using the Joomla installation manager (http://docs.joomla.org/Installing_an_extension)
  2. Go to Extensions -> Community Polls and click on the Options button on the toolbar
  3. Configure the options and permissions. Each option is documented on their labels (mouse over to view the documentation of the options)
  4. Go to Extensions -> Community Polls -> Categories and create your categories
  5. Go to Extensions -> Community Polls -> Polls  and create your poll
  6. Go to Menus -> Manage and add a new Menus, you can add all your poll menus in this
  7. For generating better URLs please create menu items for all your top-level categories.
  8. Access polls on the front end using your menu items or publish the Random Poll module.

Creating your first poll

From backend

  • Go to Components->Community Polls->Polls
  • Click New button
  • Enter the poll title, select a category, and enter answers (optionally enter the description and check other options)
  • Select Published as status if you want to publish the poll immediately.
  • Click the Save & Close button

From frontend

  • Login on the frontend with the user whose user group has created permission given
  • Access the component using the Community Polls Home menu item you created (see checklist above)
  • Click the “Submit a Poll” button on the toolbar
  • Enter poll title, select a category, and enter answers (optionally enter description and check other options)
  • If the user group is given auto-approve permission, the poll will be published immediately, otherwise, admin users (users in those groups which is selected as admin groups in configuration), will get emails with approval/disapproval links
  • Publish or unpublish the poll using links in the email. Or you can approve from the backend approval page.

New version available, how to update?

  • Download the latest version from the Downloads section
  • Go to Extension Manager->Install/Uninstall Extensions page on your website
  • Browse and select the downloaded file
  • Click the Install button.

Good luck.

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