Retrieve one or more user profiles


Add the required CjForum API library:

require_once JPATH_ROOT.'/components/com_cjforum/lib/api.php';

Now get the profile API:

$profileApi = CjForumApi::getProfileApi();


Full Syntax of the getUserProfileAPI call:

getUserProfile($identifiers, $force_reload = false)

$identifiers – int/array or intsSingle user id or array of user ids for which the user profiles need to be fetched. If array of user ids given, the function will return associative array of user profiles with user id as key. Required parameter.$force_reload – booleanIf true, the function will force reload the users from the database even if they are present in cache.


Get profile of given user id:

$profile = $profileApi->getUserProfile($userId);

Get profile of multiple user ids:

$userIds = array(62,63,64);
$profiles = $profileApi->getUserProfile($userIds);

Returned profile object

The API will return associative array of the profile fields or array of profiles. Below is the list of fields in profile that will be returned.

 array (size=40)
 'id' => string '62'
 'name' => string 'Administrator'
 'username' => string 'admin'
 'email' => string ''
 'avatar' => string 
 'about' => 'Something about the author'
 'hits' => string '0'
 'birthday' => string '0000-00-00'
 'last_post_time' => string '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
 'points' => string '0'
 'topics' => string '0'
 'replies' => string '0'
 'fans' => string '0'
 'thankyou' => string '0'
 'signature' => null
 'banned' => string '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
 'last_access_date' => null
 'current_access_date' => null
 'block' => string '0'
 'registerDate' => string '2009-09-09 06:34:33'
 'lastvisitDate' => string '2015-08-29 09:47:56'
 'params' => string '{"admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":"","admin_style":""}'
 'rank_id' => string '0'
 'rank_title' => string 'Moderators'
 'rank_type' => 0 for standard, 1 for special
 'min_posts' => string '0'
 'rank_image' => null
 'rank_class' => string 'fa fa-favorite'
 'catid' => string '0'
 'handle' => string 'admin'
 'gender' => string '0'
 'location' => null
 'twitter' => null
 'facebook' => null
 'gplus' => null
 'linkedin' => null
 'flickr' => null
 'bebo' => null
 'skype' => null

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