Overriding CjForum layouts

CjForum comes by default with a couple of themes, one based on Bootstrap v2 and other based on Bootstrap v3. You can override any of these themes to create your own theme.

How to override a theme

To override a theme, copy a theme folder from components/com_cjforum/layouts/themename to /templates/yourtemplatename/html/layouts/com_cjforum/themename. Each theme has set of php files for complete forum pages. Modify the required layout with your changes. Here is the summary of list of layouts which you can override:

  • profile – the folder contains list of layouts corresponding to profile page
  • topic – the folder contains list of layouts corresponding to topic details page
  • activities_list.php – this is the template file for listing activities
  • attachments.php – this is layout file for showing attachments. most of the time you may not need to modify this.
  • category_list.php – this is the layout for displaying categories list on the index page
  • credits.php – this is the layout file for credits page. please keep the credits unchanged to give us credit.
  • footer.php – this is the footer page on the categories/list layouts, shows forum statistics
  • header.php – layout to display the header block including the logged in user avatar, login/logout form and shortcut urls.
  • online_users.php – display online users statistics above footer
  • toolbar.php – layout to show toolbar on top of each page
  • topic_list.php – layout to display topics listing

More details about shareable layouts can be found here:

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