CjForum is not just full featured but also extendable. There are many plugin events the component triggers which you can use to extend the functionality provided by the component.
Creating a plugin
Please read the following documentation to know about creating a Joomla! plugin. The process is same for any plugin.
The best way to get started on creating the plugin is to refer to the default Topics plugin provided with the CjForum package. It is the full featured implementation of most of the plugin events.
Following is the sample class without any plugin events declared. The plugin name is Topics, and the class name is prefixed with PlgCjForum.
<?php /** * @package corejoomla.administrator * @subpackage com_cjforum * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014 corejoomla.com. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; require_once JPATH_ROOT.'/components/com_cjlib/framework/api.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT.'/components/com_cjforum/router.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT.'/components/com_cjforum/helpers/route.php'; class PlgCjForumTopics extends JPlugin { public function __construct(& $subject, $config) { parent::__construct($subject, $config); $this->loadLanguage(); $this->loadLanguage('com_cjforum', JPATH_ROOT); } // your plugin events declaration goes here.. }
Plugin Events
CjForum defines a set of plugin events which you can listen to extend the functionality. The following are the plugin events:
This event will be triggered before saving the topic to database. Return false from this event will stops saving the topic.
public function onTopicBeforeSave($context, $topic, $isNew) { // do your stuff return true; }
This event will be triggered before saving the reply to database. Return false from this event will stops saving the reply.
public function onReplyBeforeSave($context, $topic, $isNew) { // do your stuff return true; }
This event will be triggered before deleting a topic from database. Return false from this event will stops deleting the topic.
public function onTopicBeforeDelete($context, $topic) { // do your stuff return true; }
This event will be triggered before deleting a reply from database. Return false from this event will stops deleting the reply.
public function onReplyBeforeDelete($context, $reply) { // do your stuff return true; }
This event will be triggered before change of one or more topics state, i.e. unpublished, trash etc. Return false from this event will stops changing state.
public function onTopicChangeState($context, $pks, $value) { // do your stuff return true; }
This event will be triggered before change of one or more replies state, i.e. unpublished, trash etc. Return false from this event will stops changing state.
public function onReplyChangeState($context, $pks, $value) { // do your stuff return true; }
This event will be triggered after saving the topic to database.
public function onTopicAfterSave($context, $topic, $isNew) { // do your stuff }
This event will be triggered after saving the reply to database.
public function onReplyAfterSave($context, $reply, $isNew) { // do your stuff }
This event will be triggered after a user likes the topic.
public function onTopicAfterLike($context, $rating) { // do your stuff }
This event will be triggered after a user likes the reply.
public function onReplyAfterLike($context, $rating) { // do your stuff }
This event will be triggered after a user said thank you for the reply.
public function onReplyAfterThankyou($context, $thankyou) { // do your stuff }
Plugin installer
Finally you need to have your plugin installer xml file as shown below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <extension version="2.5" type="plugin" group="cjforum" method="upgrade"> <name>CoreJoomla - YourPlugin</name> <creationDate>14-01-2014</creationDate/>/ <author>Your Name</author> <authorEmail>Your email</authorEmail> <authorUrl>Your email</authorUrl> <copyright>All rights reserved by your company 2003-14.</copyright> <license>http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL</license> <version>1.0.0</version> <description>Some description</description> <files> <filename>pluginname.xml</filename> <filename plugin="pluginname">pluginname.php</filename> </files> <config> <fields name="params"> <fieldset name="basic"> </fieldset> </fields> </config> </extension>