CjForum Changelog

5.0.12 (27-Sep-2024)

* Sync topics fails to sync topics
* Forum rules page shows error

5.0.11 (24-May-2024)

+ Added button to sync topic reply counts
* Fixed issue with migration script

5.0.10 (12-May-2024)

+ Added .htaccess file to restrict direct access to attachments
* Topics do not display if mysql strict dates enabled
* Fixed issue with selecting admin user group in the Topics plugin
* Fixed issue with expanding filters on the admin list pages

5.0.9 (23-Feb-2024)

* Fixed Google structured data markup for discussion forum posting

5.0.8 (14-Feb-2024)

* Fixed issue with topics search
* Fixed issue with deprecated message on form page

5.0.7 (06-Feb-2024)

+ Added validation to restrict posting duplicate topics
* Fixed issue with smart search plugin

5.0.6 (14-Jan-2024)

+ Added support for Rewardify User Points

5.0.5 (22-Dec-2023)

* Fixed issue with topics not loading after upgrade
* Categories without menu item are not accessible

5.0.4 (21-Dec-2023)

+ Added Joomla Privacy plugin for CjForum
+ Show message when users do not have access to view replies
* Report button is not working with bootstrap5
* Replies are not showing when mysql null dates are not allowed
* Empty list is shown when the database option to allow null dates is disabled
* Topics ordering selected in the menu item is not applied
* Unable to edit topic in bootstrap3 layout

5.0.3 (02-Dec-2023)

+ Added support for migrating questions from Community Answers component to CjForum

5.0.2 (11-Nov-2023)

* Fixed the margin of batch button on admin toolbar
* New topic emails sent to blocked users

5.0.1 (26-Sep-2023)

* Fixed version information

5.0.0 (24-Sep-2023)

+ Breaking Change: Added support for Joomla 5
^ Breaking Change: Removed legacy layer for Joomla 3

4.2.2 (12-Aug-2023)

+ Updated Save button label to Post Topic
* Replacing legacy API references
^ Replaced JFile/JFolder deprecated wrappers with respective file system functions
* Fixed issue with bootstrap library not loading in older Joomla versions
* Fixed issue with showing social icons on profile details page

4.2.1 (26-Mar-2023)

^ Changed edit icon to fa-edit on topic page
^ Changed icon of the edit button for FA6 compatibility
* Removed deprecated function calls
* Do not send email notifications to globally blocked users

4.2.0 (05-Feb-2023)

+ Show recently discussed topics on category page
+ New option to disable login/registration form
* Show create topic button on the toolbar only if user has create permissions
* Logged in user cannot see their unpublished topics from My Topics view
* Fixed PHP warning messages
* Tabs on backend dashboard page are not working
* Topic pagination on the listing page are not aligned properly on bootstrap5 layout
* Quoting a deleted user's reply throws error
* CjForum apps form quizzes & answers do not show correct layout
* Fixed bootstrap5 UX on the advanced search form
* Removed unsued language strings

4.1.6 (07-Nov-2022)

+ Adding PHP 8.1 support and fixing deprecation notices
* Unable to send private message from messages dashboard page
* Show Topics Count option is not working for category view in Bootstrap5 layout
* Fixed issue with removed JString invocations
* Fixed issues in syncing users data when mysql strict mode is enabled
* Fixed issues with Kunena migration script

4.1.5 (04-Sep-2022)

* Disabling Show Footer block show empty border item at the bottom
* Fixed issues with Kunena migration on Joomla 4

4.1.4 (30-Jul-2022)

^ Do not load chosen library in the list layouts when using Joomla 4
* Tags are not saving in Joomla 3.10 or later versions

4.1.3 (26-Jul-2022)

* Fixed issue with topic/reply rating not working
* Fixed PHP notice messages shown when editing a reply
* CjForum content plugin causing error with webservice calls
* Fixed issue with content plugin conflict with webservices plugin

4.1.2 (13-May-2022)

+ New category option to set a category as parent group (readonly) or regular forum

4.1.1 (14-Mar-2022)

* Mobile menu on toolbar does not work when using bootstrap5 layout
* Fixed issue with the finder plugin
* Fixed issue with modal selection in topic modal dialogs

4.1.0 (07-Feb-2022)

^ Leaderboard list rows is wrapped down on bootstrap 5 layout
^ Updated default avatar size in the topic view to 256px
* Search bar takes full width on bootstrap 5 layout
* Social sharing buttons are not loading on Joomla 4
* Fixed issue with indexing topics using smart search
* Fixed issue with loading forum rules page
* Fixed issue with download my data button failed on bootstrap5 layout
* Fixed issue with downloading attachments
* Fixed issue with topic selection modal on single topic menu item
* Subscription links are not shown on the topic page (bootstrap5)
* Subscription Tools option does not work on the cateogories list
* Privacy consent checkbox is not visible on profile form
* Fixed issue with the errors shown when a profile/user was deleted

4.0.3 (23-Aug-2021)

^ Change automatic update references to shondalai.com

4.0.2 (16-Aug-2021)

* Toolbar dropdown enhancements for bootstrap 5 layout
* Fixed issue with incompatible method in the content plugin

4.0.1 (18-Jul-2021)

+ Joomla 4 RC 4 support added
^ Adding missing language string in the backend menu
* Fixed warning message shown when using PHP 8
* Unable to submit reply to the personal messages

4.0.0 (03-Jun-2021)

+ Joomla 4 support added
+ New layout (for all pages) based on Bootstrap 5 CSS library
^ Tuning sql queries and performance improvements with user tables
* Selecting "All Categories" in advanced search produces no results when "Show Unauthorised Links" option is disabled

3.4.3 (25-Mar-2021)

* PHP 8 support added

3.4.2 (09-Feb-2021)

+ New option to show/hide box which shows number of topics in the category
+ New option to show/hide box which shows number of topics in the sub category
+ New option to show/hide box which shows number of replies in the category
* Unpublished tags are shown on the topic form (Joomla bug)
* Error shown when trying to post reply

3.4.1 (13-Dec-2020)

* Same user shown multiple times in online users block
* Fixed missing language strings
* Topic Form module shows 500 error when the access is enabled for guest

3.4.0 (03-Oct-2020)

+ New Topic Form module for quick topic creation from any page
+ New option to show subscription buttons on topic details page to subscribe the topic and the topic category
+ Allow creating menu item for a single topic
+ Update last replied user & date when a reply is unpublished/deleted
^ Joomla 4 Beta 4 support added
* New users unable to login when mysql strict dates mode is enabled
* Progress bar do not show when user sync started
* Unable to edit user avatar
* Moderation emails are not sent when permission is enabled at category level
* User profile shows all user reputation/activities when using menu item

3.3.7 (14-Jun-2020)

^ Joomla 4 beta 1 support added
* Finder events are not triggered when topics are created/changed
* Emails about new messages are not sent immediately when skip queue option is enabled

3.3.6 (09-May-2020)

+ New permission to restrict access to view profile pages
* Social login users are automatically logged in after signup even admin approval enabled

3.3.5 (04-May-2020)

+ Added Smart Search plugin for CjForum Topics

3.3.4 (27-Apr-2020)

* Attachments do not with the personal messages
* Fixed issue with the plugin in latest version of Community Builder
* Activity url is not hidden from header when the option is disabled

3.3.3 (26-Mar-2020)

* Topic form page does not show in the selected template
* Activities are added even if the rule is unpublished.
* Category listing is not showing correct subcategories

3.3.2 (19-Mar-2020)

^ Redirect user to topics listing page when the topic is moderated
^ Updated social authentication library to use the latest methods
* Social authentication disabling regular authentication methods
* Topic author name is not displayed in topic details page

3.3.1 (18-Mar-2020)

* Warning message is shown on the search page on few PHP versions
* Moderating new posts for URLs should allow internal URLs

3.3.0 (07-Mar-2020)

+ New feature: Split topic from selected reply
+ New feature: Restrict forum access based on user post count
+ New feature: Highlight category icon with new topics on the forum index page
+ New feature: Possibility of the user to set invisibility: New feature - NickName
+ New feature: New spam moderation option to moderate posts with hyperlinks
+ New option to show/hide Recent Activities menu item on the toolbar
+ New option to show/hide My Reputation menu item on the toolbar
+ New option to show/hide Forum Members menu item on the toolbar
+ New option to show/hide Karma on the leaderboard page
+ New option to skip email queue for sending email notifications
+ New option to show/hide pagination on top and bottom of the list
+ New option to show/hide pagination on top and bottom of replies
* Currently shown tab is not activated on the profile page with bootstrap2 layout
* Latest activities are not shown first
* Fixed bug with missing required js files in the content plugin

3.2.3 (29-Dec-2019)

+ Added new module positions forum-categories-above-toolbar and topics-list-above-toolbar
+ Adding a new option to show/hide Jump to Forum box
* Topics ordering option is not validated while showing listings
* PHP notice messages in the log files are fixed
* Fixed notice messages reporting log files
* Untranslated strings in CB plugin
* The attachments are not rendering properly
^ Joomla 4 alpha 12 support added

3.2.2 (13-Aug-2019)

* Private message modal box does not show content/buttons

3.2.1 (11-Aug-2019)

+ Added Sociable support
* CjForum module shows listing even if it is disabled

3.2.0 (03-Aug-2019)

+ Show last reply author and description in the CjForum module.
+ Added new Recent Posts tab in the CjForum Module.
+ New configuration option to show/hide location on the profile
+ Show top users quizzes count in the backend dashboard page
+ New configuration option to show/hide user information block
* Badge is not assigned for thank you activity
* Hover on elements with tooltip removes the parent element when Mootools is loaded on the page
* Profile URLs are not SEF enabled when advanced routing is selected
* Unable to save changes to profile form when GDPR options disabled
* About text and signature editors on profile form where wrapped down when there are fewer fields enabled.
* Recent messages are not shown on top
* Fixes to bootstrap 4 layout

3.1.4 (23-Mar-2019)

* Edit profile link is not visible to registered users
* Page navigation layout is misaligned in users listing page
* Toolbar layout navigation is not aligned properly after the last update

3.1.3 (20-Mar-2019)

* Kunena migration do not migrate attachments
* After replying to the topic, the page is redirected to the listing
* Profile tabs are not aligned properly on few templates

3.1.2 (09-Mar-2019)

+ New feature: Reporting topics/replies and review reports [FEATURE]
+ Show attachments icon when the topic has files/images attached
+ Added a link back to CjForum changelog in the dashboard page
^ Bootstrap 4 compatibility updates
* Allowed extension types text breaks layout in mobile mode
* Personal messages are not ordered by the last replied date
* Related topics table do not show properly on bootstrap 4
* Unable to select message receiver id in PMS when using bootstrap 4
* Attachments migrated from Kunena are not shown on CjForum

3.1.1 (12-Feb-2019)

+ Added Select Category option in category dropdown list of the form page
* [SECURITY] Users can access unauthorized links
* Kunena migrated topics do not have last reply id updated in the table
* Category topics listing page do not follow component list limit option

3.1.0 (11-Feb-2019)

+ New Moderation Capabilities: Add/manage moderators for categories
+ New configuration option to show/hide allowed file types text
+ Added allowed file extensions text in the attachments forms
+ New configuration option to exclude selected user group activity from showing in the listing
+ Added new configuration option to show/hide last replied by callout
+ New option to show the introductory text of topic in listing pages 
^ Improved the look and feel of the avatar in the leaderboard with border style
^ Joomla 4.0alpha6 compatibility updates
* Removed duplicate Show Tags option in the configuration
* Topic routing does not identify id when no menu is used
* Unable to remove IDs from topic URLs after upgrade
* A PHP notice message logged in logs when topic do not have any replies
* Show tags configuration option does not show tags on a topic
* Admin points page do not load on Joomla 4
* Error when installing on Joomla 4 Alpha 6

3.0.4 (01-Jan-2019)

* Security issue [Low]: users can see unauthorized topic short description in related topics in the tooltips
* Install package failed on fresh new sites
* Unable to select target user to send a message in Joomla 4

3.0.3 (27-Dec-2018)

+ Added migration script to migrate data from for EasyDiscuss
^ Joomla 4 Alpha 5 compatibility updates
* Unable to change the state of ranks
* Wrong version status is shown on the backend dashboard page

3.0.2 (08-Dec-2018)

^ Replaced RuntimeException with Exception
* Unable to unpublish topics/replies after updating Joomla 3.9.1
* User's original name is shown when quoting a reply
* Profile form view styles are not aligned when using bootstrap3
* Ranks are not updated during migration
* Backend dashboard shows the incorrect date in the top users' list
* Cannot edit category when language filter plugin is enabled.

3.0.1 (04-Oct-2018)

* New posts link in CjForum Module redirects to homepage.
* Kunena migration failed to migrate avatars
* Component Fails to load on Joomla 3.6.5

3.0.0 (26-Sep-2018)

+ Added support for Joomla 4 Alpha 4
+ Added support for Bootstrap 4 templates (backend and frontend)
+ New modern router class added
+ New option to configure maximum number of tabs displayed on profile page
+ Added Joomla! search plugin for CjForum topics search
+ Moved the topic view HTML content to its own layouts
^ Redirect guest users to login page when they access PMS pages
^ Show thumbup and thumb down icons of like/dislike buttons on the users own posts
^ Extra check for menu item in the router file
^ Moved language strings from CjForum module to component language file
^ Adjusting the display area of messages list
^ Removed deprecated usages of APIs
^ Code style fix
* Profile page shows error on few websites with date not accepting null dates
* Thankyou are not synced with users list.
* Updated with GDPR language strings with correct grammar
* Thank you text contains user name instead of login name
* Topic language is undefined when the language options are disabled
* PHP warning message on topic page when using PHP 7.2
* Notice message in the apache logs when modifying the topic.
* Warning messages in ajax response while migrating Kunena
* Unable to migrate Kunena topics when multilanguage is enabled
* Community Surveys plugin is not working
* Removed additional character(:) in footer block
* Fixed language string errors
* Search plugin do not filter unauthorised topics
* Show the correct page when user navigated to a topic from activity stream
* Personal Message details page shows user name instead of login name
* Activities cannot be published/unpublished from frontend.
* Pagination in My Topics page is not working
* Topics listing is not shown on profile page tabs (cjforumapp)
* My Reputation link do not show correct profile tab
* Default editor option is not used in PMS when setting use global
* Attach files permission on component level should apply to PMS

2.2.2 (29-May-2018)

+ New configuration option to configure date format in profile details
* Non-sef urls are sent to activity stream when a new article is created
* User profile cannot be downloaded when the user has no avatar uploaded

2.2.1 (25-May-2018)

+ Added support for downloading HTML version of user data, media, and attachments
+ Added support to remove points, attachments, and subscriptions of the users while deleting the user profile
+ Added support to download attachments in user profile download
+ Added configuration options to customize date formats in various pages
^ Redirect guest users to the login page when they accessed topic which is not authorized for showing to guest users
^ Moved untranslated strings in edit profile page to language file
* Moderation approval email for a new topic is not being sent
* Fixed typo in administrator language file
* New reply notification message sent to the wrong user
* Attachments form should be hidden when the user is not authorized to attach files

2.2.0 (20-May-2018)

+ General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance update
+ Added menu options to customize default listing type for topics listing menu item
^ Disallow users from liking/disliking their own posts
^ Do not show thank you button on posts created by the logged in user
* Untranslated message shown in activity stream after user signup
* Notification sent in reply to a message containing the wrong URL
* Selecting no avatar do not hide avatar in topic
* Jump to forum shows unauthorised categories

2.1.0 (07-May-2018)

+ Topics and replies moderation via emails by administrators
+ Send email notifications on receiving a personal message, new email templates introduced
+ New config option to exclude user groups from users listing page
+ Show user signature on topic description block
^ Add a unique number to alias when there is a duplicate alias detected during a topic creation instead of rejecting the topic
* Toolbar is not hidden by default on mobile devices ^ Redirect users to topics listing page after posting a moderated topic

2.0.6 (01-Apr-2018)

+ New permission settings to restrict file attachments
+ New configuration option to show/hide language options on topic form
+ New configuration option to show/hide metadata options on topic form
* Categories list is now shown to guest users in advanced search page
* File uploads are not working in quick reply form when using bs3 layout
* My Topics menu is not shown on toolbar when user has no create permissions at component level but have at category level
* Advanced search is not working on selected categories
* Add attachment block layout is not in line with existing attachments
* Topic form layout menu shows profile layout
* Quiz description cannot be hidden when using quiz form module

2.0.5 (08-Feb-2018)

* Avatar image extension is duplicated when editing profile without changing the avatar
* Installer failed to create tables during installation
* Advanced search with content do not search mixed case letters

2.0.4 (23-Jan-2018)

+ Added new menu item type to create search page menu
* Personal Messaging URL contain unnecessary parameters
^ Updated default character set of tables to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
^ UTF-8 Multibyte (utf8mb4) conversion for MySQL tables
* Unable to hide view parameter name in the My Subscriptions menu item URL
* User Profile menu item shows all user activity on profile page
* Quality of uploaded avatar is low and background is pixelated

2.0.3 (28-Dec-2017)

^ Updated PMS list layout to display in a condensed table.
* Error is shown when updating user avatar (only in few Linux based web servers)
* My Topics page shows all topics

2.0.2 (28-Nov-2017)

* Installer shows error although installation was successful

2.0.1 (20-Nov-2017)

* New database column is not created by the installer

2.0.0.Stable (19-Nov-2017)

+ Added support for social login using facebook, google, twitter and LinkedIn
+ New configuration option to allow editing quoted reply when replying
+ Add robots and other metadata to the profile page
+ Added checks to restrict direct access to PMS form
+ Added option to show tags on topics listings
^ Minimum PHP 5.6 is required
^ Allow uploading files to topics from backend
^ Added untranslated strings
^ Show truncated description on messages listing page
* Page redirect to topics listing page after saving reply form
* Unable to upload files from quick reply form
* Page redirect to own profile after admin editing other profile
* Multipage topic redirect to first page after posting a reply
* Name is being used as title on profile page even if username is chosen
* Image with size smaller than 256px is not fitting into avatar frame
* Unable to send message when there is a conflicting adminForm on the

2.0.0.RC01 (07-Oct-2017)

+ New Feature: Private Messaging
+ Community Builder user plugin to show users topics on profile
+ Show replies count in categories listing
+ New option to enable/disable toolbar
+ New option to enable/disable leaderboard
+ New option to enable/disable members listing
+ New module: CjForum Top Users 
+ Customize Leaderboard with custom weight for each parameter
+ Add Register button in login forum block of header
+ Show last replied username text in listing page
+ New module position: topic-view-above-replies
^ Do not show profile pages of users whose account is blocked by admin
^ Updated copyright year
* Kunena migration do not complete
* Page is not redirected to topic after editing the reply
* User reputations block is blank when going through My Profile Summary link
* Modules are not shown after the second topic in topics list page
* Unable to delete own topic when permission is set at category level

1.5.6 (05-Jun-2017)

+ New permission setting to allow users delete their own topics
* Child categories are shown in categories list even view permission is denied
* Change avatar function do not work on some browsers
* Community Quizzes plugin throws error

1.5.5 (02-May-2017)

+ Unable to migrate from v1.9+ versions to latest
^ Updating jQuery Guillotine Plugin to latest version

1.5.4 (22-Apr-2017)

* Forum brand button is not linked to categories index
* Forum index page sef URL is not created properly
* Redirected to non-sef URL after saving topic
* Subscriptions page shows notice message when error reporting enabled
* Users listing default order should be number of posts of the users
* Unpublished users shown in listing page

1.5.3 (20-Apr-2017)

+ New option to customize list of allowed attachment types
* User profiles with hyphen character in name shows error
* Checkin button not shown on backend users listing page
* Cannot click cancel button when creating new Rank
* Forum index menu on toolbar do not work from different menu items

1.5.2 (26-Feb-2017)

* Profile page display name instead of username
* Emails are not sent from queue
* Fixed security issue - SQL injection due to inadequate request

parameter filtering 1.5.1 (17-Feb-2017)

* Notifications are not being sent

1.5.0 (05-Feb-2017)

+ Added support to send notifications to Lotus Android clients
+ Show new posts in CjForum module
+ Show last reply date in CjForum module
+ Allow attachments through quick reply form
+ Show quoted text outside of editor when quoting a reply
+ Added upload file feature in quick reply form

1.4.1 (25-Dec-2016)

+ Support for Lotus Android App is added
+ Support for new Joomla Routing added
* Wrong url in shown in header block when sef is disabled
* Activities url pointing to profile home page
* Author name not displayed properly with CB content plugin
* Forum Apps plugins throws error when corresponding component not installed
* Non-Sef url with category id 0 produces error
* Footer and online users blocks display user name instead of login name ignoring option
* Author name does not show properly when CB plugin is enabled
* Sort order is not maintained while moving between pages in users list

1.4.0 (24-Sep-2016)

+ Added local option to customize number of topics displayed per page
+ Changed Account dropdown name on toolbar to My Stuff
+ New subscription icons on categories pages to subscribe to email notifications
+ New icon in topics listings to indicate topic is locked
+ Added new My Subscriptions page to manage user subscriptions
+ Added buttons to subscribe categories and topics directly
^ Style related topics block with panels
^ Send reply notifications only to the topic subscribers
^ Removed the extra lines shown in quote reply text in the editor
* Cannot limit max length of the activity description

1.3.2 (09-May-2016)

+ New CjForum Apps: Support for adding new tabs of other components in profile page using plugin events 
+ Moved all corejoomla integrations of profile page to their own cjforum apps
^ View Replies permission at category level
^ Moved all existing tabs in profile pages to standalone plugins

1.3.1 (22-Mar-2016)

^ Joomla 3.5 compatibility updates

1.3.0 (19-Mar-2016)

+ Added support for awarding points and add streams for Komento comments
+ Added option to show/hide feed icon
+ Option to show/hide credits
+ Added Joomla search plugin for CjForum topics
^ Removed extra semicolon in users statistics block
* Unable to edit topic when multilanguage is enabled

1.2.0 (16-Jan-2016)

+ Show search form on top of topic list for quick search of topics
+ Jump to forum list box on topics listing and category pages
+ Show related topics at the bottom of the topic page
+ New forum rules page added
+ Added forum rules link in discover menu
+ Added new fields in category manager listing to show number of topics published, unpublished, trashed and archived
+ Replaced social sharing buttons with jsSocials for better performance
^ Refactored topic pages with reusable layouts
^ Changed social sharing buttons to use jsSocials plugin
^ Click on like/dislike button on already liked/disliked reply or topic should reset the previous vote
^ Show only categories belongs to current language in topic form
^ Show only categories belongs to current language in search form
^ Show only categories belongs to the current menu language in form and search pages
* Unable to save email template
* Registered users cannot post in authorized categories
* Discover button redirect to home page where there is a JavaScript error on the page
* Users can reply using quickly reply form but cannot do with main reply form
* Users will edit replies access cannot edit replies
* Last replied by userid is being reset when editing a reply
* Attachments to replies gets deleted if the reply is edited

1.1.0 (04-Oct-2015)

+ New option to show hide like buttons
+ Added points rules for deleted topic and deleted reply
+ Added Joomla auto-update support
+ Added topic title to the activity sent on adding new points
+ New flood control options to limit topics and replies users can post per day
+ New flood control options to limit topics and replies new users can post per day
+ Support for custom profile fields
+ Added support for Community Surveys listing on user profile
* Top users in backend dashboard do not show correct date
* Hide publishing options configuration option do not work
* Articles app not loading latest articles from CjBlog
* Polls app do not load polls from Community Polls

1.0.7 (01-July-2015)

+ New configuration option to show/hide voting buttons
* Edit own state permission do not work for registered user groups

1.0.6 (24-June-2015)

+ Select the category on topic form page if the user clicks New Topic button from a category page
+ Added batch operation to assign a rank to multiple users
+ New configuration option to hide Gender on the profile page
+ New configuration option to hide Age on the profile page
+ New configuration option to hide Member Since on profile page
+ New configuration option to hide Last Visit date on the profile page
^ Added right padding to labels below avatar in topic replies
* Show hits configuration option is not working
* Custom module positions in category listing page are not showing modules

1.0.5 (27-Apr-2015)

+ Added app name filter to filter activities by selected application
+ Joomla 3.4 validator support
+ Community Quizzes on click integration support
* Stream API do not add a stream
* Unable to choose default category of form view menu item
* User profile does not get created automatically when a new user registered

1.0.4 (17-Apr-2015)

+ Replies pagination links shown on listing pages
+ Load Sharing tools asynchronously to avoid blocking page load
+ Support for Forum name instead of the name from Joomla user name.
+ Global activity map on backend Dashboard page
+ Enhanced trend chart on the Dashboard page.
+ Added support to show either user name or login name on forum pages
+ Added configuration option to choose default editor
* Some image extensions do not show as thumbnails
* Attachments are shown below the signature.
* All charts in dashboard shows instead of only first tab chart
* Activity is not being shown to public users
* Like/Unlike actions fail when SEF URLs are turned off
* Replies count of users is set to the wrong number when a topic is created.

1.0.3 (06-Mar-2015)

+ Added new module positions
+ Added dashboard geo location report chart
+ Added daily trends chart in dashboard

1.0.2 (01-Mar-2015)

+ Added Ajax functionality for like/dislike buttons
* Attachements cannot be deleted once added
* User profile names containg hyphen throws 404 error

1.0.1 (26-Feb-2015)

+ Joomla 3.4 compatibility updates

1.0.0 (31-Jan-2015)

Initial Release

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