Creating Lotus Android App


Lotus Android apps are created on using simple user interface. This documentation goes through the process of creating and customising your app.


  1. Make sure you have active Lotus membership on
  2. Logon to with your credentials
  3. Go to Account -> My Apps from main menu. This will show the Lotus app creation page and your existing apps, if any.
  4. Click on New App button. If you have enough credits in your account, you will be redirected to new app creation page
  5. Enter basic details such as below
    1. Title: This is the title shown on for you app. Please enter something through which what the app is, for example your website name.
    2. Alias: Leave this empty, this will be filled with autogenerated text from title
    3. Site Name: This is the name of your site, for example corejoomla. Please do not enter any special characters in this.
    4. Application ID: This is the unique id to distinguish your app on Play Store. You should never change this once published on Play Store. Best practice is to use your site url, for example: com.corejoomla.lotus
    5. Version Code: An integer value which shows the current version of your app published on Play Store. Play Store will update user installations based on this number. This should be always greater than the existing version on Play Store. Starting value is 1.
    6. Version Name; This is the version name shown on Google Play Store to users. For example “1.0.0”
  6. Once you enter all these details, click on Save button. The page will go back to My Apps page and shows your newly created app. You can now customise the app by clicking on Customise link.

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