Community Answers

Community Answers fits greatly into any community discussion website, be it a question & answers, discussions, knowledge base or technical support system. With great features and performance, it perfectly compliments your community website.


Community Answers is a social discussion tool which can be used as a questions & answers tool, a knowledge base, a forum, faqs etc. The main focus point of the component is to provide a platform to build flexible Q&A sites with powerful social features and user engagement features.

System Requirements

CoreJoomla software runs fine on any webserver with minimum system resources. All it require the following software installed.

Joomla 3.x, Joomla 3.7 or above is recommended. Joomla 1.5/2.5 versions are no longer maintained/supported.

Video reviews

Community Answers Pro Review by Aleksej (Russian)

Developers Video Tutorials

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